Monday, July 28, 2014

getting together

We really do need to work on things like getting people to drive a lot less, and fly a lot less (flying is kind of driving, I guess), and use less air conditioning, and lighting, and pavement, and also, throw less stuff away, and also, helping people be more generally prosperous, and also, less reliant on an insane health "system" - less reliant on an insane industrial system, actually, of which the health system is a part.

OK, if you just accepted that at face value, you weren't fully paying attention. Anyone who uses the word "need", at least, in something like that, is trying to sell you a line.

I want to work on these things, I think other people do to, and people sometimes get things done by working together, and even just by getting together. Getting people to get together and work on that list of goals is the purpose of this post.

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