Saturday, July 26, 2014


more shareable content

kamisama, onegaita

It's comedy hour! I want a million people to see this. Do me a favor and feel free to share it around.

Board of Governors, The Cosanti Foundation,

This latest document is the height of idiocy.

You ask us to apply  to be, what, your slaves?

You ask us to write about our "affiliation with Arcosanti". Every one of you on the board knows every one of us who have ever been "affiliated" with Arcosanti. You know every detail of our affiliation. Asking us to recite that to you is simply an insult.

Asking me to recite that means you don't want me to be involved. It's as simple as that. Why are you so determined that I be excluded? Because I, alone among all of the Arcosanti affiliates, have actual thoughts about how to proceed.

Everyone else thinks it's just a lovely dream, that needs to be "celebrated".

Mary, you are the toughest, loveliest, most dedicated, hardest working person I have ever known. That doesn't necessarily mean you are always smart.

Roger, you too?

Grandpa Art, you are a wonderful, wonderful lawyer, and person, that is clear. Does that make you a thinker?

Michel Sarda, at least you are a publisher. Other than that, I don't know you. We haven't had a chance to talk.

Tomiaki, I'll always love you, but so what? Try to actually think.

What's your name, oh, yeah, Jeff, it's a beautiful thing you've done, and I largely agree with your plan, but just because you wear slacks doesn't mean you know everything.

Mr. Goddard (not a member of the board), I could see, the second I gave you my paper, that you had already dismissed me as a nobody.

You all clearly think you are Gods, and that's a good thing, but try to remember, gods don't know everything.

Back in the day, everyone would complain about Paolo. I would always defend him. Sure, he was faulty, in this, that, and the other way. But he had the poetry, and the vision.

More recently, when people wanted to replace The Board (using, if you can believe this, "an army"), I would have none of that, either. I will not in any way agree to replacing this board. But the board should try listening. Maybe a lot of us peons, who have dedicated our every waking and sleeping hour to dreaming about arcology, for massive parts of our lives, are, indeed, idiots. Ideas don't come unencumbered with faults. If you want to be great, you need to ask the speaker, who took the chance, of being called an idiot, and spoke, regardless, to clarify. If the message is not clear, and you don't ask for clarification, you are the idiot. Certainly, you are idiots. You are, after all, human. But, if you cannot see that you are just as stupid as we are, then you are not only human, idiotic, assholes, you are also asleep, and lazy.

I, unlike you, know how to build arcologies. It's just a weird truth. You know how to run workshops, and throw parties, while I'm just a lazy bum, who only knows how to think, but you have no clue how to build arcologies, and I do. I have politely asked each and every one of you to lend me your ear (except Mr. Sarda), but you were all too busy. I will continue to work, to strive to understand, how to communicate my ideas - that is my failure - whether you care to inquire or not. Thank you.

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